Send us your elfies and win a prize!

Youve heard of selfies (sharing photos via social media for others to see and enjoy) - well we need your Eflies!
Youve possibly checked out some of your favourite celebrities versions online and maybe even sent several of yourself in various poses. Following on from the trend have been shelfies, the so-called selfie for intellectuals were asking you to help us get elfies trending!
Heres what you need to do … take a photo of yourself either on your own or with your friends, family, colleagues or fellow students, but definitely with an elephant. The elephant can be a cuddly toy, on a poster, as a drawing, at the zoo – or any other creative way. It could be with one of our lovely Pink Chillies toys, maybe a holiday snap youve had taken with a native elephant, a superimposed image of yourself onto a favourite image of an elephant.
Then please Like the Pink Chillies Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/PinkChilliesUK, upload your post and ask your fans and followers to share and tweet about it, using the hashtag #elfie.
Well use all our social media tools to publicise your #elfies for a week ask people to vote on their favourite. The #elfie with the most votes will get a lovely new ele-toy from Pink Chillies.
WE can get elfies trending worldwide
Help us to get #elfies trending throughout the UK and win a prize as well – a Pink Chillies competition for the bank holiday weekend!